I highly recommend purchasing gear from Barney’s Sports Chalet. Barneys is an Alaskan-owned and operated sporting goods store that specializes in outfitting hunters with the proper gear and equipment needed for hunts across Alaska in the most unforgiving conditions. The owner, Kevin Dana, is a personal friend and an avid Alaskan hunter himself, as all are of Barney’s staff. They can help you with all of your needs and are happy to answer any and all of your questions. They have the experience with this gear and if they do not have something on my gear list, they can help you find an equivalent. Barneys is famous for the Barney’s Pinnacle Pack, the Barneys Brooks Range Jacket and pant, the PA18 softshell pant, Nunivak and Wooly Mammoth 1/4 zip pullovers, and other purpose-built gear that they have designed.
Contact them today, and let them know you are hunting with us – (907) 561-5242
Only The Best Boots.
Boots are your single most important piece of gear. Without your feet in good condition, you cannot effectively hunt. Wear your boots, hike in them while wearing a heavy pack, and use them prior to your hunt (this does not mean walking around the yard or golf course). Poorly fitting boots will at best make you miserable and at worst completely ruin your hunt. There is no “best boot” – everyone’s foot is different. What is great for some may be terrible for others. Below is a list of high-quality boots that have always given me and the majority of my clients consistently good results. Try them and wear them!
Absolutely NO COTTON!
I prefer lightweight merino wool or merino/synthetic blend for its ability to avoid stinking and its excellent breathability and insulation.
Hoody and Pant.
Jacket, Parka, Pant.
Buy Only The best 3-layer Gore-Tex Type Rain Gear!
Only High-Quality Packs!
Only High-Quality Packs! You MUST have a pack that is at a minimum, 7200 Cubic Inches and I prefer 8000-9000 Cubic Inches. Besides your boots, this is your second most important piece of equipment. The pack must fit 12 days of food and gear as well as any personal items. You must be able to comfortably carry 50 lbs. with it. Do not bring a small pack thinking you will have to carry less. A high-volume expedition pack weighs virtually the same as a small pack. You need the larger volume pack for this hunt, no exceptions.